In this article we will talk about finding and choosing the right CBD product. Once an individual decides to use a CBD product, the main question is how to choose a CBD product. There are many co-factors when it comes to quality, effectivity and safeness of a CBD product. Here are some tips for choosing quality CBD products.

The first thing to do is checking the extraction method of the CBD product. The extraction method will have a big impact on the quality of the final product. To extract the oil from the plant, the producers use pressure. Pressure used to open the trichomes, will excrete all the oils. The quality of the product depends on how the pressure is applied. Heat extraction means butane gas was involved to the process. Butane contains many chemicals, which expose the cannabinoids in the oil. This will cause a chemical reaction. This reaction will change the compound’s genetic figure.

Because butane is an unsafe substance, rather look for products based on CO2 or food grade ethanol extraction. This method of extractions will keep all the terpenes and cannabinoids unharmed with no foreign substance used.

The next very important factor is, to choose a CBD product with a broad spectrum of cannabinoids. Today, the consumer can choose between a CBD isolate and a broad-spectrum CBD product. The name isolate means, the CBD was isolated from all other cannabinoids in the plant. Where the broad-spectrum CBD oil or product contains more than 100 cannabinoids from the plant.

While there is nothing bad on a CBD isolate, we need to realize that the CBD molecule will work best in combination with all other cannabinoids in the plant.

Using a broad-spectrum CBD product, its capability is boosting by more than 100 cannabinoids, more than 30 terpenes (myrcene and geraniol included), amino acids, omega fatty acids and more. Using the broad-spectrum CBD oil will give you all the health benefits of the plant, excluding the THC.

The next thing to focus on is to find out the origins of the cultivation. Because hemp in the USA is a massively regulated product, we suggest you focus on products cultivated or made in the USA.

The next point to focus is the bioavailability. After we consume food or other nutrients, the stomach acid brakes it down. Broken down, the nutrients will enter our bloodstream. To ensure the full effects of CBD, look for the best bioavailable product on the market. 

If you are using a combination of CBD and THC, be careful on the CBD:THC ratio, the producing date and the batch number.  To be sure you are using a high quality product, look also for product third party testing’s. The FDA does not have numerous specific guidelines on CBD products yet.

A third party testing can deliver consumers the facts. Having all the data about the product, you can start your CBD protocol as safe as possible.

choosing the right cbd product

If you are living in a state where medical cannabis is legal, buy your CBD oil or a combination with a CBD:THC ratio in a dispensary. In case you live outside a cannabis-legalized state, you can get your CBD from many online stores. Take care of the producers that are making CBD products health claims. According to the FDA this is not allowed.  If buying CBD edibles, read the ingredient list carefully. Many edible products can contain corn syrup and artificial colors.  

If you are using flavored CBD products, be sure the flavors are natural. Check that the products do not contain gluten or other allergens involved in the casing of the product.

While the FDA claims that GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms ) are okay to consume, studies are  being conducted on the long-term effects. There is no need to add foreign substances into a CBD product if it is not necessary.

If in doubt, feel free to contact the producing company and ask your questions. Many CBD oil-producing companies offer on-site customer support.

CBD protocols is also offering a free CBD online consultation. Trust us with your information and speak privately with a healthcare professional in the comfort of your home. All you need to do is fill the form, and schedule a free consultation.

Because not every CBD product is the same, choose a “full spectrum” product before “CBD isolate”. If THC is illegal in your state, search for “broad spectrum” CBD oil products that contain all Cannabis components but no THC.

Since every health claims are illegal (not allowed by the FDA), beware of companies that make this health claims.

Another problem: Some overly processed hemp-derived CBD products are tainted with toxic solvent residues, corn syrup, artificial flavors and colors, and other contaminants.

But good quality CBD-rich products are also available. Which products deserve our trust?


  • Consumer Reports suggests looking for products made by companies in states that have legalized the recreational and medical use of cannabis “since they tend to have stricter standards.” If you live in a “CBD-only” state, choose CBD products made with American-grown hemp (from Colorado, Kentucky, Oregon, Montana, Vermont, Tennessee, etc.) rather than foreign sources.
  • Choose “full spectrum” CBD-rich oil extracts, not isolate, distillate or products labeled “pure CBD” or “no THC.” Full spectrum means it includes numerous cannabis compounds, including a small amount of THC. If THC is completely illegal in your state, opt for so-called “broad spectrum” CBD oil products that include other cannabis components but no THC.
  • Look for product labels that indicate the amount of CBD and THC per serving – not just the total cannabinoid content for the entire bottle.
  • Beware of companies that make explicit health claims about CBD products (this is not allowed by the FDA).
  • Avoid CBD hemp oil vape cartridge products with toxic thinning agents (such as propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol), flavor additives, and other harmful ingredients.
  • Avoid poor quality CBD-infused gummies made with corn syrup and artificial colors.
  • Think twice about brands that claim their CBD is derived from the seed and stalk of the hemp plant. CBD is not present in hempseed and barely any CBD is present on the stalk of the hemp plant.
  • Beware of multilevel marketing schemes and companies that seek to sign you up right away for recurring purchases.
  • Don’t be afraid to contact CBD companies directly and ask questions. And if you cannot reach them directly, try another brand.




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